Textbook Evaluation Checklists for Science and Mathematics (TEC)

About TEC:

TEC for Science and Mathematics are meant to assist school principals and teachers choose high-quality textbooks for their students from the wide array of textbooks currently available.
TEC takes Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS, USA) and National Curriculum Framework (NCF, India) as defining standards for evaluation of skills, knowledge and process in Science and Mathematics.

What TEC measures

These are 3-scale checklists (Missing, Partially satisfied and Adequate) that measure quality of a textbook along three constructs:

  • Content quality
  • Pedagogical alignment
  • Technology integration

The criteria, under each construct in TEC, are sourced from two existing quality evaluation rubrics for science and mathematics instructional products:

  • EQuIP (adapted to Indian context)y
  • LOBE to evaluate the digital support provided.

Download TEC

  • Two separate checklists for evaluating quality of Science and Mathematics textbook for schools (TEC_Science & TEC_Mathematics) are given below.Each checklist contains subject-specific illustrative examples and explanations for easy use by teachers.Usability of both checklist tested with subject matters experts.
Name Download
TEC_Science Link
TEC_Mathematics Link

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