
  1. Herold, P.C., Khwaja, U., Murthy, S., Dasgupta, C., (2019). "RoadEthos: Game-based learning to sensitize children on road safety through ethical reasoning". In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E). IEEE.
  2. Banerjee, G. & Walunj, S. (2019). " Exploring in-service teachers’ acceptance of Augmented Reality " , In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E). IEEE.
  3. Menon S. & Banerjee G. (2019). " Evaluating effectiveness of a Teacher Training MOOC: Industry Perspective " , In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E). IEEE.
  4. Rathod B. B., Murthy S., and Bandyopadhyay S. (2019), "Is this Solution Pink Enough? A Smartphone Tutor to Resolve the Eternal Question in Phenolphthalein-Based Titration", Journal of Chemical Education, 2019, 96 (3), 486-494.
  5. Joshi A., Shah V. & Murthy S. (2019), "Speak Up: VR-based training system for improving oral presentation skills” , The Future of Learning Conference (FOL 2019), Bangalore, India, January 4-5.
  6. Shah V., Banerjee G., Murthy S. & Iyer S. (2018), "Learner-centric MOOC for teachers on effective ICT integration: Perceptions and experiences", Proceedings of IEEE Ninth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E).
  7. Kaur, N., Pathan, R., Khwaja, U., Sarkar, P., Rathod, B., and Murthy, S. (2018), " GeoSolvAR: Augmented Reality based Application for Mental Rotation", Proceedings of IEEE Ninth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E).
  8. Banerjee G., Warriem J. , and Mishra S. (2018), Learning experience interaction (LxI): Pedagogy for peer-connect in MOOCs, in Yang, J. C. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education. Philippines: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
  9. Swamy, N & Dasgupta, C. (2018), "Investigating the Nature of Students’ Reasoning in Connecting Molecular Structures of Stereoisomers with their Physical Properties Using an AR App". IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education.
  10. KL, N. S., Chavan, P. S., & Murthy, S. (2018, July), " StereoChem: Augmented Reality 3D Molecular Model Visualization App for Teaching and Learning Stereochemistry", IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) (pp. 252-256).
  11. Kaur N., Pathan R., Khwaja U. and Murthy S. (2018), "GeoSolvAR: Augmented Reality Based Solution for Visualizing 3D Solids", IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), pp. 372-376.
  12. Raina, A., Lakshmi, T. G. & Murthy, S.(2017), "CoMBaT: Wearable Technology Based Training System for Novice Badminton Players", IEEE 17th International Conference Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), pp. 153-157.
  13. Narayana, S., Prasad, P., Lakshmi, T. G., & Murthy, S. (2016), "Geometry via Gestures: Learning 3D geometry using gestures", IEEE Eighth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E), pp. 26-33.
  14. Lakshmi, T. G., Narayana, S., Prasad, P., Murthy, S., & Chandrasekharan, S. (2016), "Geometry-via-Gestures: Design of a gesture based application to teach 3D Geometry", 24th international conference on computers in education (ICCE), pp. 180-189.
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