Introduction to RoadEthos


RoadEthos is a game based learning environment to sensitize students from middle school on the ethical decisions to be made on road with empathy. This game is a car simulation designed and developed using 3 affordable technologies - Scratch programming, Arduino and Lego bricks.

The broad goal is to build empathy within students. Empathy is one of the primary stages in design thinking. The following figure 1 is an overview of 5 stages in design thinking model proposed by Hasso-Plattner institute of design at Stanford( (Plattner,2009; Plattner, 2010). Scholars (Baeck, & Gremett, 2012) also emphasize on empathy as a characteristic of design thinking.

Figure 1: Model of five stages in the Design thinking process

The game environment simulates real-life scenarios of driving a car using a Scratch interface. It enables the students to control and respond to those scenarios using steering and brake/acceleration made out of Lego bricks, connected via Arduino.

Demo of scenarios in RoadEthos:

Project Team:

  • Ulfa Khwaja
  • Herold PC
  • Aastha Patel
  • Ashutosh Raina
  • Urfa Chamanshaikh

Resources required

Steps to install and run RoadEthos on your system

1. Download the RoadEthos zipped folder from Github -
2. Extract the folder.
3. Install S4A software and Arduino IDE in your computer.
3. Install S4A software and Arduino IDE in your computer.
4. Load S4AFirmware16 file into Arduino Uno.
5. Connect the input Piezoelectric sensors to the Arduino board.
6. Connect the Arduino board to your computer via USB cable.
7. Open the Car file using the S4A software.
8. Verify the Arduino connectivity with S4A, indicated by a pop-up message.

Teacher's corner

Lesson Plan with RoadEthos

Researcher's corner

Abstract of the RoadEthos work done
  • Paper title: Game-based learning to sensitize children on road safety through ethical reasoning

Cite as:Herold, P.C., Khwaja, U., Murthy, S., Dasgupta, C., (2019). RoadEthos: Game-based learning to sensitize children on road safety through ethical reasoning. In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E). IEEE.

Road safety training programs focusing on practical methods have been known to help novice drivers acquire the knowledge and skills required to drive on the road and improve their judgments. However, the attitude required for safe behavior is often overlooked, leading to road mishaps. This led us to study the ethical reasoning that influences people’s attitude while taking a decision on the road. It is also reported that road safety education should commence as early as the age of 4-5 and needs to be pursued through primary and secondary school. Hence, we designed and developed a game-based learning environment, RoadEthos, using three technologies (Scratch, Arduino, 3D printer) to sensitize children towards road safety through ethical reasoning in road scenarios. The design of the game and its scenarios are based on the theoretical underpinnings of empathy and situated learning. This paper reports the results and analysis of a study conducted with 5 students of the age group 10-12, where we captured students' actions, decisions and their change in ethical reasoning, before and after interacting with this game. The paper concludes with the next steps for the project, in terms of its design and implementation.

Developer's corner

The code shared in GitHub to develop RoadEthos game could be modified or enhanced in the Arduino and Scratch development environment, installed in your computer. To learn more about the sensors used with Arduino, watch online tutorials on “How to use Piezoelectric sensors as an input device with Arduino”. To learn more about integrating Arduino input sensors, with scratch as the output module, watch online tutorials on “Scratch for Arduino and serial monitor in S4A”.

Download the code from the link below:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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