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• Sustaining the community of teachers:
I am teaching Biology to the Higher Secondary Classes since last 17 years….. When I was
teaching, the whole class was always calm and cool. I used to ask few questions to the students
and also clear the doubts of the students. Students were satisfied with my teaching and also
appreciated me many ti mes. I was getting job sat isfaction. In fact this was not the real story
When I joined the course and completed the Module-2 i.e. Active Learning and Classroom
Strategies, I found myself awakened from the dark night and said that "I have to work hard for
students till the next 17 years". Past 17 years my t eaching was Teacher Centric, which was
wrongly appreciated by my students. For the last 17 years students were listening to me, now for
the next 17 years I have to listen to the students. Now on wards my each class will be noisy and
found to be engaged. atul1975
• Teacher Testimonials
Innovations by teachers (voice chart), (voizometer)
Field implementation of Active Learning
by teachers