About Us:

The Next Education Research Laboratory has been setup in Inter-disciplinary Program in Educational Technology at IIT Bombay in 2017. The lab is funded by Next Education Private Ltd.

The goals of the lab are:

  • Identify potential benefits that emerging technologies might afford in the teaching-learning process and design appropriate learning activities.
  • Teacher training through multiple Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) that run on IITBombayX on :
    • Pedagogy of effective use of ICT in teaching
    • Effective teaching of Computer Science topics in schools
  • Design & develop evaluation instruments like analytical rubric to test quality of digital learning materials and textbooks from Science and Mathematics

The products are envisaged to benefit a wide-range of stakeholders starting from the teachers and students to the learning solutions companies.

Detailed report of the various activities of lab can be seen here.


Principal Investigators

Prof. Sridhar Iyer

Professor of Computer Sc. & Engg. &
IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)

  E-Mail: sri[at]iitb.ac.in

  Telephone: +91-22-2576-7880

Home Page

Prof. Sahana Murthy

Professor of IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)

  E-Mail: sahanamurthy[at]iitb.ac.in

  Telephone: +91-22-2576-4860

Home Page

Research Scientist

Dr. Gargi Banerjee

Research Scientist of IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)

  E-Mail: gargib[at]iitb.ac.in

  Telephone: +91-22-2576-4810

Home Page

Dr. Veenita Shah

Research Scientist of IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)

  E-Mail: veenita7shah[at]gmail.com

  Telephone: +91-22-2576-4810

Home Page

Research Assistant

Balraj Rathod

Research Assistant of IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)

  E-Mail: balrajrathod[at]gmail.com

  Telephone: +91-22-2576-4810

Technical Assistant

Ajit Mhatre

Sr. Project Technical Assistant
IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)

  E-Mail: a91221j[at]iitb.ac.in

  Telephone: +91-22-2576-4810

Past Members

Ulfa Khwaja

Research Assistant of IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)

  E-Mail: ulfa_khwaja[at]iitb.ac.in

  Telephone: +91-22-2576-4810

Sidhesh Walunj

Sr. Project Technical Assistant
IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)

  E-Mail: siddhesh.walunj[at]gmail.com

  Telephone: +91-22-2576-4810

Rahul Duloi

Project Technical Assistant
IDP-Educational Technology (IITB)


undefined  Telephone: +91-22-2576-4810undefined


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